Sunday, February 05, 2006

Will jump off a bridge to break the monotony!

Snooze starts: 6:30am
Wake up: good day - 7:06am (snooze 4 times), lazy day - 7:15am (5 snoozes), Friday - 7:24am (6 snoozes)
Bkfst: cereals, soy milk, fruit
Into work: between 8:30-9am
Lunch: 12:30 - soup & salad
Gym: 6:45pm
Dinner: 6" veggie patty sub - Subway on 10th Street & 5th Ave, Bklyn
Back home: 9pm
Aah my 'free time' - can be spent hanging out, watching tv, reading, surfing, sometimes working, ironing (yes, of course :)), chatting
12 - EOD (End-of-Day)

And like this it goes, EOD to EOD...and then EOW! One wkend to the next..pressure to do something - coz you know they are gonna ask you on Monday in the elevator and at the water cooler! Am not the most convincing liar abt 'this friend's birthday party, which went crazy'. This, that, and the other...and then Sunday evening arrives! Just as I wonder why am I doing this..a paycheck arrives! And then life makes sense...for a day..

Thank God Americans take more vacations than any other country in the world (a 'fact' I just made up, go with the flow..) - that's the respite from everything we do, our vindication, a chance to break the monotony, do crazy cool bungee jumping from a bridge (see, I wanted to impress upon you that I tried bungee jumping in Whistler, Canada recently. And I just didn't want to throw it out there, its all in the journey..walk you through my daily humdrum and then finally, arrive at the bungee jumping! No, I dont have any serious mental issues yet where I want to jump off a bridge *without* a rope around me :))

Look fwd to my next vacation..

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