Sunday, April 16, 2006

Deprivation does weird things to people

Growing up in India, I was your average cricket fan, playing cricket every evening as a kid, watching the odd match, the odd cricket debate just for conversation's sake..I was normal. When I came to this country 6 yrs back, for the 1st 2-3 yrs, I couldn't get to watch cricket, leave alone play any. This sudden deprivation messed me up big time; it has rendered me a diseased cricket fanatic now! I follow cricket like a man possessed now.

My sources:
Home of cricket on the net
Home of Indian cricket on the net
The best Indian newspaper coverage of cricket on-the-net
A standard on the net where I can also take a peep at soccer news
A cricket columnist's blog
..yes, *everyday*!
I have serious issues: I honestly believe that I should be on the national selection panel!

I was asked why I don't write that much about cricket here, since I clearly think about it a lot. Its because I am afraid I won't be able to stop writing! I could write about the state of test cricket; disgust at 900 runs in a ODI; stronger disgust at 20-20's; new talents in Indian cricket; India's Truman (reference to the movie, Truman Show), Sachin Tendulkar; getting Americans to understand cricket; come up with a theory on why cricket is a craze in certain countries; my irritation when someone says, 'I don't know how you stay up all night and watch cricket'; I could go on and on..

And I do go on and on..with my daily emails to a select few (you know who you are - to think that you actually top my word-count, some of you..God bless YOU! :))

Rest assured, all's well, I haven't sold my soul and shifted my loyalty to any american sport, the madness hasn't abated in anyway. Regular readers of my blog (ahem!) know I play cricket for a team here in NY. The season is just getting started now. This summer, with me being as fit as I have ever been, I am waiting to send the ball scorching through the covers and also to come in running and 'let it rip'!

I am not a desi!

I don't like the term "desi" - its got several negative connotations associated with it, for me to be comfortable calling myself a "desi". Its a self-inflicted demeaning word used for all members of South Asian origin here in the US, both 1st and 2nd generations. Call me Indian, south Asian if you will, even "brown", but not "desi". Btw, a more stylized version is pronounced "daisy" - aaghh!

P.S: If that makes no sense to you, just dismiss it as one of my quirks (to those-who-know-me: who would've thought I had this many quirks about me?!)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Any 24 fans?

Am not hardcore, but will watch it - *hilarious* Jack Bauer link!
My favorites:
In 96 hours, Jack Bauer has killed 93 people and saved the world 4 times. What the *$#& have you done with your life?
Tony was once shot in the neck, rushed to the hospital, underwent emergency surgery and was back on the job in just a few hours. Jack Bauer still can't believe that pussy went to the hospital first.