Monday, July 18, 2005


By far, my favorite sitcom! Thank god there are enough people around me who have watched enough episodes, who can relate to all my Seinfeld context wisecracks (yaadi-yaadi-yaada, John Boyd's car, hot tea at NYC marathon, etc. etc.). Climbing up the ladder to the 2nd spot on my sitcom list, Curb Your Enthusiasm by Larry David (creator of Seinfeld) - based in the other coast, sometimes makes you cringe in your seat with some of the uncomfortable humor, but the man's hilarious! And then there are all the talk-shows - Letterman, John Stewart, Bill Maher, Jay Leno, Ali G (HOW does this guy manage to con a UN Sec General, Bhutrous Bhutrous Ghali to give him an interview and ask him if the French are funny, I don't know). Put all that together and you get 5 weekday evenings of mindless, mind-numbing, end-of-day-television-viewing of comedies!

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