Saturday, February 12, 2005

The Gates

Art for everyman - that would be the theme for this populist spectacle in Central Park, opening today. Just got back from witnessing a couple of miles of this 23 mile "piece of art" by Christo and Jeanne-Claude. To get a better understanding of what is "art" about this. what this is really, who the artists are, etc. check this -

This couple has been responsible for several such works of art all over the world for the last 35-40 years almost - using huge amounts of cloth to create an effect in a certain place for a short period of time (their more famous works include wrapping Paris' Pont Neuf in golden cloth and islands in Miami in pink cloth).

So The Gates is 7500 steel frames, draped with orange cloth along the 23 miles of walkway in the Central Park (the $20 million expense borne completely by the artists). The choice of color is awesome - on a dull, windy, chilly, typical grey February day in NY, to have streaks of orange criss-crossing across the huge expanse of Central Park creates a superb effect. Its a reason to get people out to celebrate and socialize - thousands of people witnessed this exhibition in Central Park today - everyone doing their bit to add to the festivities - clicking away with their digicams, out with friends, family and significant others, chipping in with the odd splash of orange in their clothing or accessories.

I couldn't find much literature in the form of brochures or the likes, elaborating further on the art or the artists, giving the feeling that it was left to every individual to experience as is. Btw, the idea is as old as I am (the significant year being 1979)..

Its on for 16 days, starting today - make sure you check it out - its free, its "out there", and may just be able to lift up your spirits on a grey February day in NYC..

1 comment:

Harish said...

I hated it. Spoils everything about Central Park.
As Kalyani would say...
Adadadadaa... Uggaly!