Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Evolution is just a theory

..says the President of the United States. Its alarming - only 45% of Americans accept the Theory of Evolution (in contrast, 75% of a very Catholic country like Poland accepts it and so does 96% of Japan).

While Evolution maybe a few pages of a chapter in High School textbooks in the US, teachers often shy away from teaching the contents themseleves - evolution is often relegated to self-learning, which may not be discussed in class (fearing protests from fundamentalists and such).

Its one thing to be on the far-right (or far West, a reference to my previous blog), but the number above is alarming! Other countries in the West and the rest of the world struggle to fathom how a country which can lay claims to being the most technologically advanced country in the world, would reject (or not accept) a fundamental theory (Theory of Evolution), which is based on strong scientific evidence, in favor of a theory (of Creationism) which has very little scientific legitimacy (comes down to natural causation vs. supernatural causation). Go figure!

Evolution is not just a theory, it IS fact - and the Bible Belt better come to terms with it! I like that term, "Bible Belt"(read it on SundayTimes, UK) - the blue states in the coasts with the Bible Belt in the middle.


Anonymous said...

Its funny... because it looks like in the case of the President, evolution IS a theory.

If it looks like a monkey, walks like a monkey, talks like a monkey, then it MUST be the President.


Vijay Krishna L said...

Dubyah observed during his 2000 campaign that "on the issue of evolution, the verdict is still out on how God created the earth" :) - hope someone has filled him in on what evolution actually is by now.

There are tons of cartoons going berserk on the similarity between the president's face and that of our "theoretical" ancestors. I think it has something to do with his eyes being too close to each other.